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Engineering Newcomer 2018

Filling device wins young talent prize

For the fifth time, norelem and CADENAS, supported by the “Bundesarbeitskreis Fachschule für Technik” (a federal working group that supports vocational training candidates on their path to becoming certified technicians) and solidpro GmbH awarded the Engineering Newcomer Prize for outstanding (university) school projects.

This year, first place went to three students from the Städtische Technikerschule Munich: Korbinian Koch, Michael Balletshofer and Christoph Falk. The filling device for hobby and micro brewers was able to win over the jury. With this device, carbonated beverages of all kinds can be filled from a wide variety of fermentation tanks and under a constant process pressure. The integrated measuring unit ensures the correct filling quantity for the bottles at each of the four independent filling stations and terminates the filling process automatically. The closing unit is located next to the actual filling device. With this, the different sized bottles that have been filled can be easily closed with a crown cork. They and their educational institution were each rewarded with prize money of EUR 2,000.

Dominic Mayer and Christoph Leibl, also from the Städtische Technikerschule Munich, were able to secure second place with their plastic shredder and extruder. In their project work, they developed a solution approach to recycle plastic waste. In doing so, they addressed the current problem of increasing pollution afflicting the world’s oceans. The shredder shreds plastic waste and then heats it in the extruder to produce a recyclable plastic filament for 3D printing. The pupils and the educational institution were rewarded with prize money of EUR 1,000.

Third place went to Marcus Dietze, Patrick Klieber, Bastian Knorr and Tobias Guttenberger from the Grundig Akademie in Nuremberg. Their project “X-Duster” was a desert buggy for the off-road sector with over 1,230 individual parts. The project was rewarded with EUR 500. The supervising educational institution also received EUR 500.

This year again, the most creative educational institution was chosen from the list and rewarded with prize money of EUR 500. The All-time List is based on the number of submissions from an educational institution. The institution receives one point for each project submitted. The winning schools receive additional points for their placement. The All-time List has been maintained since 2004. This year, we would like to congratulate the Städtische Technikerschule Munich, which successfully defended its first place with a total score of 39 points.